
Dear All,

I have received my documents (certificate and transcript) this afternoon, and the certificate is so beautiful. I would like to say a special thank you to you Fiona and Elena for every support you gave me throughout my studies in DIU. I must say, you two are just wonderful. You are professionally good and kind-hearted, please keep it up.

I would also like to thank the entire DIU management for the opportunity given me to attain this level in my career which will go a long way to help build the economy of my country through practical implementation of knowledge acquired during my studies in DIU and contribute my quota to development of my nation. You did not help me alone with this opportunity granted me to study at DIU, you helped my nation and my family and generation yet to come. To this I say thank you so much.

I am so happy I joined DIU family and I will forever remain a true member of DIU.

Warm regards,

Regina Amoo

Dear Fiona/Elena

It is with great pleasure to I inform you that I have received my MBA certificate. The package is very good and splendid!

I take this opportunity to thank the DIU management for the honour done to me. Please Elena and Fiona, thanks for your relentless support and patience. As Prof. Gardner always advises, I will use this knowledge with wisdom to help my organization, my country and my family.
I wish the school the best in the years ahead.

Best regards,

Felix E.K Buoh
MBA Student
Dear Elena, DIU Admissions

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire University for the opportunity as well as all the lecturers mentioned above who have made this possible. It cannot go without the mention of yourself (Elena) whose smart coordination and support has made it easy for us to finish.

The last course has been interesting and the two-months allowable period per course is good and must be continued. The only thing the school should consider doing in the future is enable students to have at least one contact lectures in your Montreal Campus to compliment the entire studies. The school stand the chance to be the school of choice for the emerging markets if some of these gaps can be resolved.
By and large, I have learnt a lot and improved my leadership skills. DIU programs are well positioned within the context of the new or emergent economy. It is a school of high academic excellence providing wide range of subjects relevant to the new economy which make students well prepared for the real world.

I wish the school and the entire lecturers and management all the best in the coming years.

Felix Buoh
MBA Student
Hello everyone,

I have just been to the revamped DIU web site. Congratulations to the team working on the sleek and fresh look. Keep up the good work. I am looking forward to seeing the revamped DIU site. It is nice to see an institution working on innovative projects and truly demonstrating the entrepreneurial spirit and executing it with successful results. The site emits a continued sense of professionalism and holds, I think, a key marketing component for the ongoing success of the enterprise both in terms of attracting students and providing vital information for existing students. That, and with the world class education being provided by the faculty through DIU, things will only get better, in my opinion.

As an MBA student who has just started the program online (two months in), I look forward to the months ahead. I encourage everyone to give their undivided support to the institution, its faculty and its support staff.
Hello Prof,
I had the pleasure of completing the Strategic Management course in February 2009.
This course has indeed been helpful to me because my company recently launched new products and we found already existing players in the market. There was stiff competition but due to clear strategies we were able to acquire 25% of the market share in less than 3 months. It is not always easy in telecommunication companies to do this. Therefore, this course material reaffirmed that companies have to stick to clear strategic goals in order to position themselves in the market.
kind regards,
Ephraim Bihaliro
MBA Student
Dear Professor, 
This course [Research Methodology] was useful. I can say this because I have followed this course before with different schools but I only had a theoretical idea of what to put in each part and writing was still a hurdle. But with the DIU course I think that I now have detailed knowledge of the contents of each part and I feel more confident starting my dissertation.
I can say that I experienced the practicability of the course during the exam because I had to think about an example and apply the theory I read. The exam helped me to practice more than my own readings.
Rosette Nana Tchaha
MBA Student
Dear Prof,
The Strategic Management course, especially the audio files, were very interesting and educating.
Thanks and best regards.
Stanley Okoro
MBA Student

Hello Fiona,

I would like to let you know that MG5206 was the most well organised, most interesting and most engaging course that I have ever studied with DIU and in my entire academic life.

The lecturer had set beforehand all the weekly discussions, assignments and due dates, audio files as part of course materials (and which also contained some questions for discussion forum), the reference files in pdf, other links and of course the examination.

Moreover her prompt response to practically every question and the comments that she made both about our contributions on the forum as well as after marking each assignment which she did in record time contributed to a highly enriching and rewarding online learning experience.

One could only wish to have more lectures with her and to have others emulate her style.  I am personally so proud to have been part of this course under her tutelage.


Elarm Chalusa
MBA candidate

We appreciate the quality of your programmes, and nobody can doubt that they are in line with similar programmes offered by prestigious universities.  I remember our module on Management Information Systems, which one of my colleagues said was comprehensive.  He attested to the fact that lecture content in DIU was richer than a similar course he took in MIS at another university. 

Your lectures and lecturers are superb and comparable to what happens in other prestigious universities.

You are doing great job at DIU.

Ibrahim Salia Adamu
MBA graduate
Dear Fiona,

This is to acknowledge receipt of the Graduation Documents; the Certificate and Official Transcript to be precise. I received the package today and the contents have been beautifully designed.

I wish to take this great opportunity to express my gratitude to you (Fiona), Elena and all our Professors for a very good job done. God Bless You all and more grease to your elbows. I hope to be in touch with DIU always. Keep on with the good work!!!

My very best regards
MBA Program
Dear Fiona,

Thank you and to all the staff. My learning experience for my MBA with DIU was an incredible experience. The program and sources were excellent and I gained a lot of knowledge. It taught me how to research and enhanced my critical thinking to a new level. Please pass on my regards to Robert Fortin, he was an inspiration to me and I enjoyed our exchanges. I have hung my diploma proudly in my office. Again thank you.

Darren Eckstrom
MBA Graduate
Hello Fiona,

What a world class presentation!!! the case is blue - just to let you know I received my documents yesterday the 24. I am the only one in my company with an MBA, imagine the joy I shared with my colleagues many of whom had the singular honour of touching an MBA diploma of this caliber for the first time. I personally promised myself to impact my world with this added knowledge. Onsite MBA could have been difficult for me to undertake - thanks for making it possible for some of us from the developing countries. My one year seven months of virtual scholarly work with DIU was wonderful.I thank DIU for giving me this golden chance and wish the administrative machinery to keep on looking forward. It has been great Fiona, bravooooooo!
Shyntum Louise Nyuyforam
Dear Professor,
I wish to express my sincerest appreciation to you for the prompt response I got on my exams results.
Your exams results have been the fastest and with feedback on each question about how we have fared. I'm very grateful and I'm sure my colleages are equally happy about your work.
I must say that DIU needs more personalities like you to make learning and studying with DIU much more enjoyable.
Bravo to you.
Enjoy your day Sir.
Your Sincerely
Pius Lamptey
MBA Student
Hello Robert,
This is Felix, one of your students for the MBA HRM course.
Just to let you know that the course has been interersting and very beneficial.
My life has been touched. My perspective towards life, my job, and co-workers have changed.
One serious confession I have to admit is that when I began to download the course materials, I was taken aback by the volume and the contents... I thinking they were not directly coming from you. But i must admit that the materials are superb, down to the point and applicabile to real life situations. For example the documents on some of the big companies and developed nations. Not to mention your audio/video lectures... good!
I do not know if one day i will become an HR practisioner, but I believe wherever I find myself whether in management or private business it will be a great asset because good people management is good management.
Thanks and  we hope we meet again sometime.
Keep it up.
Felix Buoh
MBA Student