Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A: DIU currently offersa competitive online MBA (Master of Business Administration) program. We accept new registrants every month, and a new cycle of each program begins every month. The duration of each course is 2 months (8 weeks).

These are not on-campus programs, and students do not need to travel to the United States in order to complete their studies. All courses and examinations are offered online, supplemented by an audio and video system and an extensive online library.

The DIU e-learning system has several discussion forums, offering students the opportunity to communicate easily with one another, with their professors, and with the administration. Each course also includes its own forum, allowing for topic-specific discussion and increased class participation.

A:  The online MBA program takes a minimum of 16 months from start to finish.  Students must complete 14 courses at 3 credits each, plus:
– either a 6-credit Management Consulting course or a 6-credit Research Project (for those students looking to pursue a PhD), for a total of 48 credits.

A: That is fine; you can work at your own pace, as long as you complete your courses within the maximum amount of time of 4 years.

A: Our programs are designed to have students take one course each month. If you feel that you are able and you have sufficient time to do it then you mauy also take 2 courses at the same time.

A: We understand that life does not always run smoothly and according to one’s wishes. If, for any reason, you are not able to continue your courses as planned, you will receive an official Partial Transcript outlining your courses, grades, and credits earned to date. When you return then you must complete the program in the maximum 4 year time span. If you are unable then you simply have to reapply again and if accepted you will be able to continue in the program.

A:  To apply for the MBA program, applicants must have earned a Bachelor’s degree or higher from a recognized University.  If you feel that you have earned a degree equivalent to a Bachelor (undergraduate) degree, please contact us. 

A:  DIU has rolling admissions, meaning that we encourage students to apply at any time.  We will evaluate your application as soon as it is complete.  Courses are offered every month, and you may begin your program as soon as you are admitted and the first payment has been made. 

For an initial evaluation of your eligibility, please send us the following documents by email:

– Your resume (CV)
– A clear scan of your Bachelor’s degree (or higher, if applicable)
– A clear scan of your official transcripts (with courses and grades) from the same degree and university as above
– A clear scan of the first two pages of your passport or your local ID (the pages containing your photo and personal information)

* Please note that if you are admitted into one of our programs, you will need to provide more documents later. 

We prefer to receive your documents via email.  Simply save them as PDF, Word, GIF, or JPG files and send them to

A:  All applicants must furnish us with the following:
  • Application Form – Submitting a completed application for admission to the program (available online and in this catalog) with a US$75 non-refundable application fee;
  • Most recent CV/resume demonstrating a minimum of two years of work experience – Including the applicant’s full mailing address, email address, telephone number, and complete work experience (including the name and contact information of the applicant’s most recent employer).
  • A scanned copy (initially) of the applicant’s Bachelor degree and transcripts. (An official hard copy of the transcripts will be required before 5 courses have been completed.
  • The full address of the university from which the applicant received his/her undergraduate degree should be included.
  • A minimum GPA level of 3.0 at the undergraduate level.  If this was not obtained, then a letter written by the prospective student indicating why he or she wants to enter the MBA program would be required.
  • Demonstration of a basic education in the Sciences, Mathematics and/or the Humanities
  • A scanned copy of official government identification (such as passport, driver’s license, national ID card etc.) including a color photo;
  • Non-native English speakers should provide DIU with the results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).  Applicants must receive a minimum of 530 on the Paper-Based Test (TOEFL PBT) and 71 on the Internet-Based Test (IBT). Students that have attended accredited English language institutions or institutions that are comparable to an accredited English language institution (as defined in the International Association of Universities Handbook) are considered exempt from this requirement.  Transcripts not in English must be evaluated by an appropriate third party and translated into English.
All documents (other than transcripts) in a foreign language should be translated into English. All official copies and translations should be certified and/or notarized. Students can send the application documents by email (preferred) or post.  Following receipt, the Admissions Committee evaluates each application, a process that can take from 1 to 3 weeks.  If the application is approved, then an Admissions Letter is sent to the applicant explaining:
  • Total tuition fees and payment plan (Students are given the option of paying in 1, 2 or 15 installments).
  • Details, duration and maximum time to completion of the program
Once the applicant decides to register, he/she pays an admission fee of $100 and an Enrollment Letter is sent to him/her which contains the prospective student’s access code (username and password) so that they may log on to the e-learning system.  Here they will be able to access course materials. For students whose mother tongue is not English, we may need you to provide us with your TOEFL results.  DIU seeks applicants with a score of at least 500 on the paper-based test, or 173 on the computer test.  Please contact us if you are a non-native speaker and you do not have a TOEFL result.  Find out where you can take the test on the TOEFL website:

A: As soon as we receive your full application with all the required documents, we will submit your file to the Admissions Committee for evaluation.

If you are admitted, you will receive an official DIU Letter of Admission containing information about your program, including the starting date and payment deadlines.

A: There is a Tuition Assistant Program, covering a part of the tuition, is currently available at DIU. The Admissions Committee will decide once you have submitted all your application materials. Eligibility is assessed based on need.

A:  Please feel free to contact us through the online chat on our website ( or by telephone at +1(424)888-2466 during our regular office hours: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm EST.  We would also be happy to receive your emails at